Dr Darren McKeown is best known for his amazing plastic surgery clinic in Glasgow. Dr Darren is a man of many talents and now offers a number of treatments within in his skin clinic in Glasgow. He has skin specialist in Glasgow to help him perform a number of treatments. Dr Darren offers IPL in Glasgow and a number of other treatments. Glaswegians have seen a rise in IPL clinics in the city in recent years, however, Dr Darren offers a number of skin treatments which are suited to those of all skin types.
Skin Clinic in Glasgow
If you are looking for a skin clinic in Glasgow, Dr Darren’s city centre location is perfect for you. Dr Darren has featured in a number of television problems offer advice to those who live not just in Glasgow, Scotland but across the UK too. Dr Darren has also worked in London for a number of years at his Harley St clinic. By choosing a doctor like Darren, you are well and truly putting your care in the best of hands.
Dr Darren McKeown has introduced IPL in Glasgow. Darren says that “IPL treatment has a role to play too in reducing the number and severity of spots, reducing the inflammation associated with the condition and lessening the frequency of breakouts”. Dr Darren explains how this treatment works on his website. This treatment is effective as the light which is given by the IPL machine specifically targets overactive sebaceous glands. Doctors can use this treatment to improve the texture of the skin and reduce the appearance of red or brown areas of skin.
IPL Glasgow
Should anyone use IPL in Glasgow? This treatment is an excellent choice for those who suffer from acne. IPL is effective as it reduces the total number and severity of active acne lesions. Those who have had IPL treatment have said that it can reduce inflammation and frequency of breakouts, making it the perfect treatment for anyone that suffers from acne.
First of all, a layer of gel is applied to the patient’s skin. This treatment works when the laser hand piece is then applied to the skin and short bursts of light are released. Once this section has been completed, the applicator will then be moved to the next area and so forth until the entire face has been treated. If you are interested in the process, the light which is used stimulates the production of new collagen which makes it an excellent choice for those who want to reduce signs of aging.
At Doctor Darren’s clinic patients need to wear protective eyewear to prevent any damage to your eyes. Each treatment will take approximately *30 minutes, depending on the size of the affected area.The number of treatments required varies depending on the lesion, but typically a course of *six treatments are required spaced 2 to 4 weeks apart.

IPL Consultation
Before an IPL Glasgow treatment, you must have a medical consultation with a consultant to ascertain your suitability for treatment. Before having the procedure you may be asked to sign a consent form and you may be required to undergo a small test patch.
(Source Dr Darren Mckeown)
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