Business card etiquette varies depending on the country. For business cards in Glasgow and the rest of the UK they are typically exchanged at the end of a business conversation. However, if you’re meeting someone from a different country, you should ask for theirs before handing over your own. A business card exchange can therefore either strengthen a relationship or harm your reputation. Much of what causes a significant impression is the application or ignorance of proper business card etiquette.
In some countries, design is especially significant as it’s also polite to translate your card into their native language. In others, it’s considered rude. Partake in adqequate research before exchanging international business cards. We have provided a short blog to get you started on the right track.
Handing out a business card with both hands
Handing out a business card to a business contact is a cultural tradition that has developed in Asia and other parts of the world. In countries such as Japan, the custom is to hand over the card using both hands. In some Asian countries, it is considered rude to receive the card using the right hand, as it is regarded as the hand used to use the toilet. However, offering a business card is an important part of a business meeting, and it should be handled with care.
Handing out a business card with both your hands is important because it shows your respect for the person receiving it. It is important to treat the card with care and to avoid damaging it. It is also a good idea to examine it carefully before putting it away. Make note of any specific features or details that may be important to the receiver.
Handing out a business card with both of your hands can help you overcome cultural barriers. In addition to presenting the card with both of your hands, make eye contact with the person. Too little eye contact can make you seem disinterested. Too much eye contact can make you seem creepy or intense.
Exchanging business cards at a networking event
Exchanging business cards at a networking event is a great way to meet new people and expand your network. While you may not feel comfortable approaching strangers, you may want to prepare some icebreaker questions that can get the conversation going. Afterward, be sure to ask the person for their business card.
When exchanging business cards, always remember to hold the cards with both hands. Take the time to carefully examine the card before passing it on. This will help create a good first impression and make you memorable. Also, make sure you follow up as soon as possible. You should always carry an extra set of cards in case someone offers one.
If you do choose to exchange business cards at a networking event, make sure you have a place to store them in your wallet or car. Don’t scramble through your pockets or purse to find one. You also want to make sure you do not write on the other person’s business card.
Exchanging business cards with a left hand
Exchanging business cards with a left hand is frowned upon in countries such as Japan, the Middle East, and India. This is due to the fact that people in these countries consider the left hand to be uncouth and therefore consider it a sign of disrespect. Therefore, you should offer your business cards with your right hand, and never hand them over with your left hand.
When exchanging business cards with another person, it is best to always stand up and make sure that the person you are exchanging with has a clear view of the card’s design. Also, when you hand over a business card, you should not cover the company’s logo. Also, it is important to maintain eye contact with the person to ensure that the card is received in a polite manner.
In Singapore, people exchange business cards with both hands. This way, they can read the card without having to flip it over. However, they may not be too strict about swapping their cards. If there’s time, they can exchange both cards at once.

Alane Lander covers a wide range of topics, providing balanced reporting and thoughtful perspectives on trending issues.